Parents Say...
If you ask your parents how to survive the senior year of high school they will probably say things like, " Do your school work" and " Stay out of trouble.", you might even hear something along the lines of " These people won't be your friend forever, don't let them bring you down".
Yadda-yadda... just how do parents think they know what it is like to live in today's world? They didn't have to live in an age where nothing is private, everything is online, and someone probably has a video of your most embarrassing moment, if not several of them!
2021 Seniors Say...
After polling some of my current Senior Models they surprisingly said something pretty close to what parents would say!
Experts Say...
And believe it or not many of the experts out there also say the same things! I have complied a checklist of things I was able to compile from many different sources. Check it out below!
What do you say?
What do you think you will want to do to make the most of your senior year?
What do you think your advice will be to those who come after you?
Who will you choose to spend the last of your high school years with?
What will those who come after you remember you for?
Feb 9, 2021, 2:48:49 PM
Shunta Etheridge - Great blog post. Amazing that seniors will say some of the same things parents did. But it’s just new age but all the same thing
Feb 9, 2021, 12:20:26 PM
Michelle Robertson - I love this!! High school seniors really need to remember how special this time is!